Straw Man
Even some of my more fair-minded and liberal acquaintances betray a slightly weird streak of nativism when the topic of amnesty for illegals comes up.Straw man up, straw man down. That’s a mighty big ‘if’. U.S. immigration law was not written by WASPs to discriminate against people of any skin color and doesn’t. Now what’s your excuse Steve?
"You wanna reward people for breaking the law?" they ask, and I say, "If the law was written by WASPs to discriminate against dark-skinned people, then frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn who breaks it."
Update: A reader sends this picture from yesterday’s illegal immigrant protest march, along with these comments:
Hart’s post title on Blue Jersey: Immigrant Amnesty: Si se puede
Protest poster: Si se puede – The Workers Struggle Has No Borders (With picture of the communist Che Guevara)
Coincidence, I don’t think so.![]()
Hart is a socialist with an axe to grind. The laws of the U.S. were enacted by the elected representatives of the people of this country and are far more liberal than any country in the world. Coincidently, “non WASP’ countries allow practically no immigration.
The problem is that we haven’t enforced our immigration laws and are now paying the price for that laxity. When a country stops enforcing its laws and fails to secure its borders, it ceases to be a sovereign state. That is Hart and his fellow traveler’s goal.
His ‘Gone With the Wind’ reference is trite and too cute by half.
Hart spews nothing but shop-worn socialist pap. He’s a confused person who never grew up, still rebelling against his parents (authority) and rehashing the meaningless slogans he learned in the 70’s. Talk about ‘gone with the wind’. He’s a wind bag seething with rage against anyone that didn’t drink the Kool-aid. Ignore him.
Seriously, kids, using big words like "socialist" doesn't make you smart if you misuse it.
There is nothing socialist about loose immigration policies or amnesty. Liberal, sure. Progressive? Maybe. But the socialism it is not.
I agree. If anything, it is socialists from these Central and South American countries that are aiding illegal aliens so that they can grow their own economies. While Hart is in fact a Socialist, this dosen't really fall into the category of socialism. This is just the rantings of an anti-american screwball.
Central and South America are growing more and more hardcore left wing by the day and it is Fidel Castro pulling the strings and pouring gasoline on the political unrest over there. He's got his number one puppet in Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and socialist governments are established in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and now in Bolivia.
We need to remember that Fidel Castro is still a big threat to us. Especially now with our attention diverted with our war on terror. He cannot be ignored.
People of all political stripes have come out in favor of an amnesty program for illegals. That wasn’t my point – anonymous # 2. Letting people know Hart is a socialist puts his comments into perspective. Try reading his musings on Blue Jersey and you’ll see what I mean. Progressive – socialist, a distinction without a difference in modern American politics. Hart’s give ‘em all amnesty is step one. Give ‘em all goodies at taxpayer expense is his step two. Call him a Marxican if you prefer, but Hart is not a Democrat. Some us still believe in following the law. Hart doesn’t ‘give a damn’.
Morristown Councilman Dick Tighe, a Democrat circulated the following e-mail:
"One of the main groups pushing for a boycott is "Act Now to Stop War and End Racism," or ANSWER. Lefty journalist David Corn once looked into them and concluded it's a front for a Stalinist party that "advocates abolishing private property and hails North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il for preserving his country's 'socialist system."
Take a look at ANSWER’s website, read Hart’s post -- the two are interchangeable.
The picture says it all.
Before there was an Osama Bin Laden there was a Che Guevara. He was the pioneer of suicide bomb
So what's the difference between glorifying Che Guevara and glorifying Osama Bin Laden? The answer is that there is no difference. So why are illegal aliens allowed to protest for amnesty while glorifying the father of modern day terrorism?
I've believed all along that the Immigration department should be taking the opportunity of rounding these aliens up at these rallies and sending back to their homeland so they can embrace terrorists in their own toilet bowl countries.
This is REALLY starting to frost me now. The more these people rally, the more they expose themselves. If Republicans want to win in November they need to start listening to the will of the American People and start deporting them.
Goodness, there is a great deal of effective data in this post!
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