New Jersey Senators Menendez and Lautenberg Vote Against English as National Language
Why did New Jersey Senators Bob Menendez and Frank Lautenberg vote against an amendment that would make English the national language of the United States and help promote the integration of prospective US citizens? It just doesn’t make sense if the goal is to ensure a unified country and the assimilation of immigrants into the U.S. economy and culture.
Thankfully the majority of the Senate disagreed with New Jersey’s delegation and passed the amendment with 63 yeas, 34 nays and 3 not voting.
If you disagree with their vote let them know.
Senator Bob Menendez
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Phone: 973.645.3030
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Fax: 856-546-1526
Senator Frank Lautenberg
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Address: Hart Senate Office Building - Suite 324 - Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3224
TTY: (202) 224-2087
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Phone: (973)-639-8700
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Phone: (856) 338-8922
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Thankfully the majority of the Senate disagreed with New Jersey’s delegation and passed the amendment with 63 yeas, 34 nays and 3 not voting.
If you disagree with their vote let them know.
Senator Bob Menendez
Email Form Link
Washington DC
Address: 502 Senate Hart Office Building -Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-4744
Fax: 202-228-2197
Newark Office
Address: One Gateway Center - Suite 1100 - Newark, New Jersey 07102
Phone: 973.645.3030
Fax: 973.645.0502
Barrington Office
Address: 208 White Horse Pike - Suite 18 -Barrington, New Jersey 08007
Fax: 856-546-1526
Senator Frank Lautenberg
Email Form Link
Washington DC
Address: Hart Senate Office Building - Suite 324 - Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3224
TTY: (202) 224-2087
Fax: (202) 228-4054
Newark Office
Address: One Gateway Center - Twenty-Third Floor -Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: (973)-639-8700
Toll Free Number: 1-888-398-1642
Fax: (973) 639-8723
Camden Office
Address: One Port Center - Suite 505, Fifth Floor - 2 Riverside Drive - Camden, NJ 08101
Phone: (856) 338-8922
Fax: (856) 338-8936
I don't get it. It looks to me like both of our doofuses voted for the amendment and most Republicans voted against it.
If I had to guess, I would guess that the amendment doesn't make English a requirement, that it's just a good thing, this language of ours. So it wasn't stiff enough for the GOP but allows the Donks to say they "voted for the English language".
But however it turns out, our losers voted for the amendment.
Menendez and Lautenber voted against the Inhofe Amdt. No. 4064; To amend title 4 United States Code, to declare English as the national language of the United States and to promote the patriotic integration of prospective US citizens. The vote was 63 yeas, 34 nays and 3 not voting.
They voted for the meaningless Salazar Amdt. No. 4073 As Modified; To declare that English is the common and unifying language of the United States, and to preserve and enhance the role of the English language. The vote was 58 yeas, 39 nays and 3 not voting.
TheInhofe Amdt amends title 4 United States Code and makes English the national language, the Salazar Amdt. merely acknowledges that English has been a common and unifying language, but wouldn’t change the slide into requiring government documents be available in a zillion different languages. Big difference.
Gotcha. I think the links go to Salazar's amendment.
I see this morning Harry Reid (D-Panderville) has declared the amendment "racist".
Why are these guys against making English the official language of the U.S.A? No one loses and it's important the country maintain one "universal language". They support universal everything else –why not something that doesn’t cost the taxpayer a single dime and will save us all money and trouble in the long run? These guys don’t represent the American worker – there too busy impressing the elite friends with these dumb votes.
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