Lautenberg and Menendez Fili-Busted
New Jersey’s Senators, Frank Lautenberg and Bob Menendez joined the attempted filibuster, by voting against cloture, which if successful would have denied Alito a vote by the Senate.
Lautenberg’s and Menendez’ vote to deny Alito a vote strikes us as a vote against the “little guy” who worked hard, played it straight and made good, in favor of the moneyed special interests.
Menendez, a man who sits in the Senate without the benefit of winning an election, casts his first major vote in the Senate against one of his own constituents. This no doubt will be the first of many votes against the wishes and the best interests of his fellow Jerseyans. Thankfully, we’ll have the opportunity to return the favor in November.
Robert Menendez is simply another Hudson County Machine hack who got as powerful as he is because Union City and West New York Hispanics kept re-electing him to the 13th Congressional seat over and over for his last name. Unfortunately for the hand picked Senator, and fortunately for the state of New Jersey and the United States of America, that will not be enough to get him elected to a full Senate term.
While virtually nobody outside of Hudson County knows anything about Robert Menendez he has just volutarily exposed himself as the two faced incompetent hack that many of Menendez's opponents have been unable to do for years in Hudson. Merry Christmas Senator Kean!
I intend to do just that in November.
Can you imagine that a Jersey Republican could ever take advantage of a Democrats mistakes.
If he were running against Doug Forrester or Jim Treffinger I would agree with you wholehartedly. Senator Kean however comes from the Kennedy Family of New Jersey Politics so I don't see him screwing this one up. If the NJGOP however finds a way to screw this one up, I really hope that heads will roll. And if they don't than I hope that somebody files down the corners until they do!
To whom is the state party chairman accountable for his losses? Kind of hard to yell "off with his head" unless we all take an active role -- not only by writing about candidates and issues, but by participating in party governance. The question is, how to start?
How do you get involved in party goverence? That's a great question and we haven't a clue. Perhaps we should pose your question to party chairman and see what they have to say.
The biggest problem with the NJGOP right now is the mistreatment of the hard working conservative base of the party by the center left Moderate dinosaurs leftover from the Whitman era.
Doug Forrester and the moderates told the consevatives to lay low and be seen and not heard during Forrester's campaign which ended up costing Forrester dearly in the end.
The moderate establishment wanted to paint Forrester as a "Tom Kean Moderate" while making it a point to slam the door on Conservatives just like they did with Bret Schundler's candidacy in 2001.
Until the NJGOP is willing to embrace the Conservative base of the party and and give them a place at the table then they will continue to stagnate and we will continue to be stuck with Democrats who do nothing but tax and spend New Jersey ever so closer to Bankruptcy.
Could you give us a list of positions on the key issues facing NJ you think Republicans should be advocating for the state?
If you want to put something together we'll post it under your name on the main page. Let us know if you have any interest. Email us"
I'll get right on it first thing tomorrow. Thanks a lot for the invite!!:-)
I just put something together and you should be receiving it now. Thanks again enlighten.
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