Merely Facts
From the Boston Globe:
Conservative friends have been sending me long, detailed e-mails about the government's response to Hurricane Katrina. They are all designed to place the blame on New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin and Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco, while exonerating President Bush. These electronic messages have certainly been impressive and revealed previously unknown facts. After reading them, I acknowledge the timelines of what happened, when and who knew what, and when and who signed what and when. My friends are right that state and local government were the first lines of defense--and they failed. This represents a systemic failure of government at all levels.
While their details are valid and their points well made, these are merely the facts.
No comment is probably best, but truthfully, that letter encapsulates so much. The subtle way facts are morphed into reality by perception in such a way that the facts can then be discarded is the rhetorical underpinning of 95% of the criticism of the president. It's on a level with a three year old hiding his eyes so he can disappear. Please don't confuse me with the facts; my perceptions have just created a much more interesting reality. The only thing the writer lacks is the requisite bile and outrage. She'll learn.
We don' need no steenkin' badges!
Don't confuse me with the facts!
We don't need to go that far to see this kind of nonsense. All we have to do is read the Bergen Record's editorial page regularly to know that their take on Katrina relief is one that distorts the facts to lay 100% of the blame on the federal government and minimizes the state and local failures, which are too numerous, but starts with the failure to implement all aspects of the local emergency evacuation plan.
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