Schumer on O'Reilly
On Judge John Roberts:
First he is the most brilliant person that has ever come before us.
He is right about this, you can't ask a judge what he'll do in the future.
What he is I think is a conservative. He is a mainstream conservative.
On the Supreme Court:
I think the Warren Court did go too far and it spawned a conservative movement to control the courts.
On the judge that ruled the pledge of allegiance is unconstitutional:
I am (outraged), judges like that make things very bad for Democrats.
On the Bush Anti-Poverty Record:
O’Reilly asks: Who is the biggest sender on poverty entitlements in the history of the country? Which administration?
Schumer guesses President Nixon. O'Reilly tells him the answer is President Bush.
Schumer says: They are, you're right. People don't realize it.
On O’Reilly:
I've always enjoyed your show. I think you're fair.
See Video here
Biden said the same thing to Roberts, it was overheard on C-Span
Yeah... That's because Roberts is a closet liberal like Souter. Conservatives are getting snowed by the biggest liberal of them all, G.W. Bush.
BTW - anyone catch the latest reports about seeing dead people voting in New Jersey elections? I guess NJ has a very liberal outlook on who should be allowed to vote.
We shouldn't know nor care if Roberts is liberal, conservative, a Rotarian, a Knight Templar, or a freakin' mooninite. He should simply rule according to law and that should be that.
Here at work we had a bit of a debate about it, and one of us said, bewilderingly, "They ask him his opinion of things and he quotes the law - that's not an answer!" But it is the most heartening answer. It means that Roberts is likely to keep his opinions out of his opinions, and stick to such concepts as "finding of fact" and that "Constitution" we've heard so much about.
I've always been amused by Schumer's gritty (Al D'Amato) politics. But I've never respected him more as a politician than when I heard him sum up (on the last day of the hearings) the dilemma Roberts' nomination presents for him (and other liberal Democrats).
It must be a bitch trying to reconcile rabid partisanship with grudging respect not only for Roberts but also for Bush for nominating him...Checkmate!
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